
MONIKA GOETZ – imminent 30.10. – 12.12.2020
MONIKA GOETZ – within 11.11. – 22.12.2016
MONIKA GOETZ – beyond 17.1. – 1.3.2014
MONIKA GOETZ – group exhibition 21.6. – 20.7.2013
MONIKA GOETZ – α minus 1 9.3. – 14.4.2012



Curriculum vitae

MONIKA GOETZ (*1968 in Würzburg) studied Fine Arts at the Art Academy of Kassel, Germany. After graduation a grant from the DAAD brought Goetz to NYC where she has been an artist-in-residence at the LMCC's workspace program, the Art Omi International Art Center, Ghent, NY and the MacDowell Colony, NH. 

Her work has been exhibited internationally, including venues such as P.S.1/MoMA, the Sculpture Center NY, the Queens Museum of Art, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, and the Gwangju Biennal, South Korea. Among others, she received a grant from the Pollock-Krasner Foundation, Kunstfonds Bonn, and was the recipient of a Design Award from the Public Design Commission of the City of New York.

Goetz’s site dependent work explores consciousness and the boundaries of human perception. It questions and challenges the perceptions of the viewer, in particular one’s sense of space and the act of seeing. She lives and works in Berlin, Germany.